Message from Chairman

Message from Chairman

Namaste to All from Nepal!
We would like to gratitude our sincere thanks to our valued clients for showing your interest towards our company. Jassim Trading and Services has been established in 2022. It has been recognized as a leading recruitment company for employees from various country. To meet those challenges successfully, Jassim Trading and Services hope to act as bridge between the foreign employers and Nepalese workers.

With the support and effort of our team we have got opportunity to provide services for the ideal choice of Nepalese workers as well as foreign employers. Our goal is to fulfill the recruitment of every different demand of our clients by outstanding services.

All our associates are distinguished by professional in recruiting Nepalese workers and combined with experiences, there by ensures our clients getting the effective services. We shall always be looking forward to have an opportunity to serve you.

Thanks & Best Regards,


Birendra Kumar Gurmaita